OBASHI Webinar: How Strong Is Your Imagination when it comes to Hacker Stories?
Event Title: Webinar titled "How Strong Is Your Imagination when it comes to Hacker Stories?" (Arabic)
Organizer: EAITSM Inc.
Location:Online Webinar
Time:Thursday, Nov. 19th, 2015, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Egypt time (GMT+2)
Attendees:IT Community Members in Egypt and outside
Hadi El-Khoury is an independent cybersecurity interpreter, advisor and trainer, 15+ years of experience. Telecom Engineer with a Master in Network and Information Systems Security from Telecom ParisTech (Paris-FRANCE). Co-founder of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) France Chapter. Winner of the "Pimp My Bonita" BPM Contest (2012). Highly commended for Business Continuity Innovation of the Year sponsored by Abu Dhabi University (2012) OBASHI Ambassador France (2014).
If you don’t understand and “see” your data flows, you can neither classify data, nor identify data sets that are subject to specific legal or contractual requirements. Indeed, without clarity on data flows, business impact and risk analysis will definitely lack context and prove inaccurate. During my talk, I'll tell you how clarity on data flows and process mapping can be an effective passport to the Executive Committee, whenever you need to gain support and sponsorship for your cybersecurity initiatives. I'll stimulate your imagination by asking you to collectively elaborate hacker stories on a series of projected data flows, using the OBASHI approach.
Registration:Registration is open for free to the public. Please use the form below to register to attend this webinar. (Registration has been closed)
Webinar Video Recording: (Available for watching below).