Partnership Agreement
First Party: The Egyptian Association for IT Service Management (EAITSM)
Second Party: Hero – The Microsoft Egypt IT Pro Community
The two parties have agreed to hold a partnership agreement to govern their cooperation in developing and serving the Egyptian IT Community with the following terms of agreement:
1- The two parties have a joint mission in developing the IT Community in Egypt, and encouraging exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices between the community members; and as such have agreed to enter this partnership agreement in order to achieve this mission.
2- The two parties will post the logo and website address of each other at their websites.
3- The two parties have agreed to exchange awareness sessions introduced to the general IT Community, within several events organized by each party. These sessions will be held on a non-regular basis, and introduction of a certain session by one of the two parties is restricted by the acceptance and arrangement with the other party.
4- The two parties will announce the existence of the each other among their membership and will promote the other’s activities.
5- This agreement is effective starting from Monday, May 18th, 2009, and is open ended unless one or both of the two parties wanted to quit it.
6- There is no financial binding for either of the two parties through this agreement in any way.
[Agreement ended in Dec. 2013]