The winner of last month's competition is Mr. AHMED SHEHATA, Saudi Arabia, who got the highest number of correct answers. Because Ahmed received the ITSM Unified Glossary from us before, we changed the prize and awarded him free access to the Annual Conference Proceedings CD online instead of the announced prize.
By answering the questions of last month's edition of the monthly competition, we rolled the die and got "4" moves.The current state of the board is as shown below.
The new set of questions for May edition of the monthly competition are the following:
What does the acronym SACM stand for?
Which type of decentralized Service Desk can be per site, per client, or per system?
Can the Configuration Management System collect data from several CMDBs?
Which Service Transition process provides reliable information for decision making?
What two factors are used to evaluate priority?
What is the name given to the ISO standard series dedicated to Information Security?
Help us move our token further. Send your answers to this month's questions through the contact us form.